Saturday, October 23, 2010

Spots around nipples?

i have close to bumps around my nipple and they are quite furred whats this aboutSpots around nipples?
you're shifting into a man!
seriously,it's normal,believe or not. depends how antediluvian are you.
if you are teen(how i think), cut your hair, don't verbs out it. if you are older(i don't think but...), can e a hormonal disorder and you should progress to a doc have a problem some where on earth along ur line...beside the fanny and now ur nipples. My suggestion to you is to progress and get checked out...and whoever your dealing beside...stop it until you get better. and treat might requirement to treat them aswell so's not to contract it again
Normal. Areolar glands. Enlarge with pregnancy and cloak a substance that prevents chapping of the babies lips. Males also enjoy them as well but beneath normal circumstances they remain dormant.
reasonably normal I'm afraid
some ethnic group are more hairy than others
I guess its normal,
closely of my friemds, actually adjectives the ones I talked in the order of this with, hold hair around their nipples, and little bumps.

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