Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spanish Fly within Powder form?

How do i take it and how much? I bought some the other light of day and it didn't come with nonspecific info...Spanish Fly within Powder form?
lol, your wasting your time, Spanish fly is useless in any form and does completely nothing, it''s not a aphrodisiac so why bother?
It doesn't work. All it does it receive a person sweat and later they are sweating so bad they want to steal their clothes off. It does nil for the sex drive. Sorry to say but you dried up your money.
You wasted your money
Do you snort it?
Actually Spanish fly is kinda an urban myth. Where did you buy it. It really serves no adjectives function in making someone hornier. Sorry but you probably won't gain horney if you take it adjectives.
I can't believe people are still buying into that weak urban legend
Bottle of Spanish fly really BS.Ive tried it within past years ago.It wont work on everybody.

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