Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Suicidal, excess hackle?

Im a 24 yr old woman and I come off the pill dianette only just and it caused excess tresses growth. I dont think I can cope next to my body and I dont see a future for myself. I can just go outside nevermind speak to anyone. I antipathy my body so much.Suicidal, excess hackle?
I am with Maddy on this one. Definitely look into the leeway of laser hair removal. Is at hand any way that you can go and get your Gyno to recommend it as a course of treatment so that your insurance covers it?
Laser hair removal.
There is something that every woman hate about their body, own you thought about getting wax, that could help restore some of the confidence that you lost from the medication, or you can be in motion to the doctor and see if there is some type of supplement that you are missing in a minute that you have stopped taking that medication and if they can recommend something to replace that, to stop the extra fleece growth. Good Luck.
Waxing. Or start dating Greeks and Italians.
I'd go to see your Dr surrounded by case you hold a hormonal imbalance, especially as you enjoy come off of Dianette.
You could wax or epilate.
Good luck.
i don't know what dianette is, but you shouldn't discern bad nearly yourself. no one is unfaultable, and i believe that there is a aim why we are here.

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